Invitation for joining picnic.

Writing Email 20 min read

To         :

Subject: Invitation for joining picnic.


Our school will be closed for Summer vacation on Friday next. You will be glad to know that we are going to have a picnic on the 20 instant. We have decided to go to Sonargaon. It is a place of great historical interest. It is also quite near to Dhaka. It’s a day long program. We will start at 8:00am and will take our breakfast at Panam Nagar. After visiting Panam Nagar, We will have our lunch at 2:00 pm. Then we will visit Lokshilpa Jadughar and Lokshilpa Mela. We will start for Dhaka at 5:00 pm.

Ifti, Tuba,Nafisa, Tashfia and some of our other friends will join us to the picnic. We expect to have a very pleasant time there. I hope that you will join us and increase our pleasure.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Lovingly yours


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